Curbed just finished up its first annual installment of Hotels Week, which I took as an opportunity to write a couple lengthy pieces detailing the history of the Divine Lorraine and the Benjamin Franklin House. But my biggest contribution by far was a massive 99-point map outlining Philadelphia's hotels of yesteryear.
"The Definitive Guide to Philadelphia's Historic Hotels" was a 25+ hour project that doesn't even cover the entire spectrum of the city's existing and demolished hotels. There are dozens more that could have been included, but the back-end stuff only allowed for a maximum of 99 points.
The first 19 hotels on this map are still standing today in some capacity, while the rest are long gone. I was fortunate enough to track down photos for 57 hotels after many hours scouring digitized ebooks from the 1800s and historical photo archives. It was a mammoth project that I plan to develop further in the future. Philadelphia lacks comprehensive guides for this sort of thing, so I might as well keep going.
Check out the full map here and marvel at the architectural styles of the 18th and 19th centuries. My personal favorites are the Drake (#15) and the Continental (#25). Yours?