First off, I love that Stephen Colbert has his own hour in late night these days. Secondly, the show's opening credits reel is awesome. I'm a big fan of tilt-shift photography - adjusting the depth of focus and making a few additional tweaks can transform real cities into miniature models of themselves, as shown in the director's cut below. It's kind of a different world, isn't it?


In a rare trip to the Americas, this past weekend brought Pope Francis here to Philadelphia after stops in Washington and New York. Philadelphia has been criticized for the rollout of its plan to fence off and restrict access to a massive section of the city center, but those temporary security measures resulted in some once in a lifetime photos thanks to the no-vehicle policy. For the first (and likely last) time ever, visitors and residents alike were given a glimpse of the city as a haven for pedestrians and cyclists. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see it for myself, so I grabbed my bike and spent about four hours breathing in the air of a seemingly empty city.


Philadelphia's skyline doesn't truly compare to that of New York, but Philadelphia is experiencing one of the most substantial high-rise booms in recent memory with the skyline creeping westward thanks to the recent additions of the Cira Centre, Evo at Cira Centre South, and the FMC Tower, which should be topped out at some point this spring.

I recently came across an early street-level rendering of the FMC Tower that reminded me of an ominous article about the Citicorp Center at 53rd & Lexington in Manhattan. Essentially a skyscraper on stilts, the Citicorp Center had a massive design flaw that could have killed thousands with a strong gust of wind. Designed by architect Hugh Stubbins to preserve the visual integrity of St. Peter's Church below, each stilt was positioned at the midpoint of each side of the building rather than the more stable corners (imagine a chair built with all four legs directly under the center).

[Our culprit, highlighted in red]

[Our culprit, highlighted in red]

Chevrons were integrated into the initial design of the building for bracing, but after the issue of wind loads against individual corners was brought to the attention of the building's engineer by a Princeton University student in 1978, the shocking conclusion was that the tower literally had a 50/50 chance of collapsing down from its center if high winds struck the building at a certain angle. This crisis quickly led to a top-secret project conducted at night over the course of several weeks. The building was very quietly reinforced and a disaster was averted, but these types of stilt bases make me nervous after hearing about the Citicorp Center.

Below you can see the FMC Tower rendering and the existing base of the Citicorp Center. Similar, yes, but let's hope that the lessons learned in 1978 have been applied to Philadelphia's next addition to its skyline.

For more information, head over to Slate's article and make sure to watch the short three-part YouTube documentary about the Citicorp Center linked at the bottom of the page.



This isn't new, but amazing nonetheless. The 9.0 earthquake that decimated areas of Japan in March 2011 was documented on a scale we've never seen before. With the advent of mobile technology dropping video cameras in everyone's pockets, we're able to get a first-hand account of pretty much anything across the globe with the help of video-sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo.

Take a look at this video [01:33] shot from a high-rise directly after the earthquake struck. It creates a whole new concept of motion sickness. And do yourself a favor and play "Where Is My Mind?" by the Pixies in the background as you watch.